Every year we host a number of community building events to help students and parents of the school connect with each other. Some of these are hosted by the CPAC, and some of these are hosted by specific grades.
SOCIALS & DANCESEvery year in September we kick off with the fabulously yummy Ice Cream Social, hosted by the Grade 4 Parents.
In October we host, in partnership with the Grade 7s, the fantastically scary Hallowe'en Dance. BOO! And in the Spring we alternate annually hosting a Family Social, or an Adult Social. |
GRADE-HOSTED EVENTSAs part of community building for the school we ask every grade (except the Kindergartens and the Grade 7s) to host a social event.
The Welcome Coffee, held on the first day of school, is hosted by the Grade 3 parents. The Ice Cream Social, held in the 2nd week of September, is hosted by the Grade 4 parents. The Kindergarten Welcome Coffee, held in the 3rd week of September, is hosted by the Grade 2 parents. The Staff Appreciation Lunch, held toward the end of May, is hosted by the Grade 5 parents. The Grade 7 Graduation Tea, held after Graduation ceremonies on the last day of school, is hosted by the Grade 6 parents. |