The free annual Hallowe'en Dance is the scariest event of the year hosted by the CPAC,
and continues our theme of community building.
The Grade 7s get in on the act to build the ever popular, and ever scary (my fingers are trembling), Haunted House!! BOO!!
WHEN IS IT? The annual Hallowe'en Dance is usually held in the evening on the last Thursday of October before Hallowe'en. Check out the CPAC Newsletter for this year's date. Please feel free to dress up as your favourite character, box of candies, or emoticon. All proceeds for the Dance go to support the school.
Just a safety note: students must have parent/guardian supervision during the Dance. We will have a d-j spinning tunes, pizza, punch, Hallowe'en goodies (by donation), and the ever popular Haunted House (bring a toonie [$2] to participate), created by the Grade 7s as part of fundraising for their Graduation events. Pre-order you tickets for the pizza, and punch. There is always limited pizza slices to purchase at the dance, so best to order ahead of time to avoid disappointment! |
WHO (BOO) AND WHAT IS INVOLVED?We need volunteers to help out with various parts of the evening: from set-up, to ticket sales, to clean-up crew, as well as to contribute baked goods (yum!). To volunteer at the dance, please watch for the Volunteer sign up in the CPAC Newsletter.
In preparation for the Dance, we ask parents whether they have simple decorations that we can use to decorate the foyer at the entrance to the gym. We will place a box outside the school library to drop-off decorations. Please label clearly and we will return the day following the Dance (Friday). |