PROJECTS 2014-2015
This year monies have been allocated to several projects.
Not only have we added necessary items like additional equipment for our Emergency Preparedness container,
but we invested in new technology for our children's use. And our big project is the beginning of the new wall Mural.
EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESSWe have added additional safety items to our kit in the Emergency Preparedness Container situated on the south of the school's playground.
TECHNOLOGYWe invested in new iPad covers, cameras, software and an iPad cart.
WALL MURALWith the help of CPAC, Mrs. Heaton has commissioned Todd Polich to paint three unique murals on the school's walls. Todd is a mural artist with a wide range of experience in collaborative mural painting.
All students were given the opportunity to assist in the painting of the murals. The first mural was started in June of 2015. |